Rootex 3D Game Engine

Rootex Engine is an advanced 3D game engine written in C++ made by a small team which I led at a programming club named SDSLabs at IIT Roorkee. Rootex is supporting a work-in-progress game, which is planned to be released in 2021. It comes with an editor written also in C++ using Dear ImGui.


Rootex Editor Sponza Screenshot

Rootex uses a modified version of the Entity-Component-System architecture, now popular in the game development world because its ease of use, modularity and performance boost thanks to better CPU cache usage.

Rootex Editor Editor Gif

Rootex uses DirectX 11 as its rendering backend and we keep adding rendering effects to it like dynamic phong lighting, particles effects, etc.

Rootex Editor Physics Gif

Rootex has integrated Bullet 3D Physics SDK and uses it to simulate and visualize real-life-like physics in the game world.

Other features

Tech Stack

All 3rd party libraries and their licenses can be seen here or in the editor.

Rootex has been designed and developed completely inside SDSLabs, IIT Roorkee and has been documented here.